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Liturgical Ministries

Liturgical Ministries Ministry

These ministers set up for Mass and put the liturgical vessels away after Mass. They ensure that the assigned ministers are present prior to the start of Mass and obtain substitutes if necessary. They check that bulletins are available and assist with the offertory collection. Additionally, sacristans will be needed for funeral Masses, and Holy Days of Obligation. Special training is required.

Liturgical Ministries Ministry
Ushers / Greeters

Ushers anticipate any needs of the assembly by escorting people to places in pews and by assisting in any kind of emergency.

Liturgical Ministries Ministry
Welcoming Desk Committee

Parishioners staff the “welcome desk” located in the gathering area acting as an ambassador of the parish to welcome any new parishioners or visitors that seek information on the parish and officially registering. 

Liturgical Ministries Ministry
Music Ministers

The choir leads the congregation in singing. The ministry includes the Choir, Cantors, and Instrumentalists. Rehearsal is on Wednesday evening after 6 pm Mass. 

Liturgical Ministries Ministry

This ministry is dedicated to God’s living word as proclaimed by the lector. Training is required and held at least twice a year. 

Liturgical Ministries Ministry
Sacred Linens

These ministers handle and launder the sacred linens used at Mass. Specific instructions are provided.  This task is done on a rotating schedule.

Liturgical Ministries Ministry
Ministers of the Holy Rosary

Parishioners are needed to lead the Rosary 30 minutes before the 4:00 pm, Saturday Mass, 8:30 am Sunday Mass, 11:00 am Sunday Mass, and 6:00 pm weekday Mass. They will be provided with the Rosary prayers.

Liturgical Ministries Ministry
Altar Servers

Altar Servers are the men and women that assist the priest and deacon during Mass.  They should at least be in the third grade and having been baptized, made their First Reconciliation and First Communion.  Training is required and held at least twice a year.

Liturgical Ministries Ministry
Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharist

Also known as Eucharistic Ministers, Extraordinary Ministers of Communion are volunteers chosen by the Pastor to assist in distributing the Eucharist at Mass.

Liturgical Ministries Ministry
Homebound Ministers

Homebound ministers distribute Holy Communion to the homebound of our parish and to people in hospitals and nursing homes.  Special training is required for this ministry and is offered twice a year.