
Confirmation perfects Baptismal grace; it is the sacrament which gives the Holy Spirit in order to root us more deeply in the divine filiation, incorporate us more firmly into Christ, strengthen our bond with the Church, associate us more closely with her mission, and help us bear witness to the Christian
faith in words accompanied by deeds. (CCC 1316)

Youth Confirmation


The sacrament of Confirmation is offered to children in the 8th grade if all requirements are met.  Preparation is offered through our C.C.D. program.   Students are required to have at least two consecutive years of religious education in preparation for being confirmed. Students in grades 8 are required to attend throughout the school year. We will make arrangements for older students who have not been confirmed and who have had limited or no prior formal religious education on an individual basis.


These young people come together not only to learn about the Church and their faith, but to live out their faith and their call to Serve as Jesus served. We emphasize their involvement in the community of faith and their personal decision to say “yes” to the faith into which they were baptized. Candidates for Confirmation are required to show an understanding of the Catholic faith and be active participants in parish worship and community. Parents and sponsors are expected to be involved in students’ preparation.


The classes are offered through our C.C.D. Program

Contact:  Alanna Sininger, 859-623-2989, x 2001;



Adult Confirmation


Catholics usually are confirmed as young people. However, some people are baptized, receive First Eucharist, and attend religious education programs but, for a variety of reasons, don’t receive the sacrament of confirmation when they are young. The Adult Confirmation Program is a four-week program designed for Catholics seeking to “be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit” through the sacrament of Confirmation. The program is an overview of the essentials of the faith that prepares adults to receive the sacrament of Confirmation with the rest of the Confirmation Class at St. Mark or at the Cathedral on Pentecost Sunday.

Contact:  Alanna Sininger, 859-623-2989, x 3201;